San Francisco County









      Among the successful automobile tire and tube dealers of San Francisco is Bob A. J. Lang, head of the firm of Lang & Company, which is situated at 826 Van Ness avenue. Mr. Lang is a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota, where his birth occurred October 26, 1886, and he is a son of James C. and Hattie E. (Kelly) Lang. James C. Lang was born in Toronto, Canada, of English descent, and in the dominion he was reared and educated. In the early ‘80s, he moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. During his active career, he was extensively engaged in gold mining. He organized the Lang Craig Gold Mining Company in Nome, Alaska, which he operated, in partnership with his brother, William H. Lang, for a number of years. He has now retired to private life, and maintains his residence in Portland, Oregon. His wife, Hattie E. (Kelly) Lang, was born in Minneapolis, of Irish stock, and is a member of one of the pioneer families of Minnesota. By her marriage to Mr. Lang, she became the mother of two sons, Ray Warren and Bob A. J.

      Bob A. J. Lang received his education in the public schools of Minneapolis, and at high school and business college in Portland, Oregon. In 1906, when he was twenty years of age, he started out to earn his own livelihood, his first position being with the Diamond Rubber Company in Oakland, California. He started on a nominal salary, and was first a virtual apprentice, learning all the fundamentals and methods of the automobile trade. He remained with the Diamond organization until 1909, when he accepted a place with the Republic Rubber Company of San Francisco as a salesman. For several years, he gained valuable experience in this capacity, and then in April, 1914, in a small way, he established his own business at 556 Golden Gate avenue. His patronage grew, and he worked very hard, with the result that in 1926 he was enabled to open his present business, in which he has met with well merited success. He is the exclusive dealer for Vogue tires and tubes for automobiles, and through wise advertising and courteous, fair treatment to his patrons he has extended the reward of his individual efforts.

      In Salem, Oregon, in November, 1909, Mr. Lang was united in marriage to Miss Faye Savage, a daughter of George O. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Lang have their home at 1800 Broadway in San Francisco.

      Mr. Lang has received an excellent reputation as a representative citizen of San Francisco, and has cooperated with the progressive groups of the community in various affairs of importance. In politics, he is a republican, but has not sought public office of any kind. Hunting and fishing are his favorite sporting diversions.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 442-443.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County