San Francisco County







Page 366


CHARLES LAINER was born in Austria, in 1857, and was reared and educated in his native land, attending school in Vienna and other places in Europe, where he also pursued the study of art.  He came to the United States, spent some time in Philadelphia and Cincinnati, and in 1882 came to San Francisco and established his present business on Third street.  For the past nine years he has successfully conducted this gallery, his business from the first continuing to increase.  In 1884 he opened his art rooms on Market street, No. 715, and here his facilities are very complete for doing the finest work.  While doing all kinds of art photography, he makes a specialty of fine crayon portraits.  The high standard of his work has gained for him an excellent reputation, and in proof of this we state that he has been the recipient of seven first prizes at competitive exhibitions.







Page 367


J. M. ROTHCHILD, attorney and counselor at law, San Francisco, is a native of Kentucky, born in the city of Louisville in 1852.  After attending school and completing his preparatory course in his native State, he entered Yale College and graduated in the class of 1870.  He studied law in his native city, in the law department of the University of Kentucky, and was admitted to the bar in 1872.  Coming the same year to the Pacific coast, he entered the law office of Haggin & Tevis, the most prominent financial legal firm in the city and on the coast, where he remained several years.  He then opened an office and engaged in practice, and for the past fifteen years has been successfully engaged in his chosen profession here.  While devoting his attention principally to general civil practice, he has given much attention to corporation and commercial law, and the firm of Rothchild & Ach have a large and responsible clientage.



Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 366-367, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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