San Francisco County




S. Lachman & Company.--In connection with the growth and advancement of the California wine industry, no name more prominent can be mentioned than that of Samuel Lachman, founder of the long-established house of S. Lachman & Company.  He was born in Germany, and emigrated to the United States in his youth, arriving in California early in the '50s.  In common with the majority of pioneers in those days, he sought the gold mines, and located in El Dorado county.  After a short experience in this vocation he looked about for new fields, and in 1854 he went to Trinity county, where he opened a general store at Weaverville.  He continued in business there until 1864, and in that year returned to San Francisco.  At that time the wine industry was in its infancy, but Mr. Lachman foresaw its vast possibilities, and formed a co-partnership with Adolph Eberhardt for the purpose of embarking in the business.  From a small beginning the trade rapidly increased, and more commodious quarters were soon necessary.  Mr. Lachman purchased Mr. Eberhardt's interest , and continued the business alone.  He made many improvements in the methods of manufacture, and created such a demand for his goods that in 1885 he was obliged to enlarge his quarters.  He removed to his present place on Brannan street, where he has every facility for carrying on the work; the storage system for aging, maturing and blending the native product is very complete and perfect; the capacity of the vaults is 2,500,000 gallons, which immense quantity indicates the necessary amount of capital and labor required for the conduct of the business.  Medals and diplomas have been awarded at various international expositions, and many letters praising the merits of these wines have been received from connoisseurs.  Particular attention is given to sherries, old wines and brandies.  Owing to the demand for California wines, a branch house was opened at Nos. 22 to 26 Elm street, New York city, which is under the personal supervision of Albert Lachman, the eldest son of Samuel Lachman.  Henry Lachman, another son, assists his father in the management of the establishment in San Francisco.  In all his business career Mr. Lachman has aimed at offering a high standard of wines and brandies, and the result of that his house is known all over the country as first-class and strictly reliable.


Transcribed 12-30-04  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 680, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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