H. Kustel, Assaying and Metallurgical Works, 318 Pine street, San Francisco, was born in Hungary in 1857.  His father, Guide Kustel, came to the Pacific coast in 1852, was one of the most prominent and best-known assayers on the coast and a writer of well-known repute.  He wrote several works on mining and metallurgy, which are accepted as standard authority.  They are “Processes of Silver and Gold Extraction,” “Concentration and Chlorination,” and “Roasting of Gold and Silver Ores.”  He established the metallurgical works of Kustel & Co., and well known in mining circles from Mexico to Alaska.


The subject of this sketch came here in early infancy with his parents, received his education here, and acquired the rudiments of his profession under the exact training of his father, taking a thorough course of instruction.  He afterward became a partner with his father, and after the death of the latter are succeeded him in business.  He has had a large practical experience in assaying and metallurgy, and like his father, is well and favorably known in mining and scientific circles.  He belongs to the order of K. of P., the American Order of Foresters, the A . O.  U.  W., and to the order of Chosen Friends.



"The Bay of San Francisco" Volume 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 496.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton


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