San Francisco County








OSCAR KUNATH was born in Dresden, Saxony, and was reared and educated in his native land. He came to America in 1860, spent seven years in Philadelphia and five in New York and in 1873 he came to California. The following year he returned to Europe and pursued his art studies in Munich, where he remained two years. In1876 he relocated to New York and while he was there he painted the noted picture, “California”, now in the Lick House in that city. Coming back to California in 1878 he took up his abode in San Francisco, and for the past twelve years has devoted his time to his profession in portrait work, giving his leisure hours to the painting of landscape and other work. He occupies the important position of instructor in the Art Association and School of Design.

      Mr. Kunath is also an accomplished musician. He has an excellent tenor voice and is identified with the musical societies and organizations.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 611, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


California Biography Project


San Francisco County


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