San Francisco County







GEORGE HERMAN KRIECHBAUM, a dentist of Oakland, was born in Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, May 10. 1861, son of John George and Lucy (Morgan) Kriechbaum. His father, born near Berlin, Germany, came with his parents to America in 1816, who settled in Burlington, Iowa, as pioneers, and died April 21, 1888, in Oakland. His parents lived to an advanced age. They left four sons and one daughter, all of whom are now living, between sixty-five and seventy-five years of age. The grandfather Morgan lives with his family near Springfield, Illinois. Their ancestry are American for generations, and probably of Scotch origin. Mr. Morgan was about sixty-five years old at death, and his wife died probably about seventy-five years old. All came to Oregon, settling at Eugene. John George Kriechbaum was a physician for forty-six years. While in Corvallis he was elected Coroner, and he practiced medicine there for twelve years, near Windsor, Sonoma county, and during the last ten years of his life he practiced mostly at Oakland. About 1868, in Sonoma county, he and his wife joined the Seventy-Day Adventists, and are now, as well as their son, stockholders in some of the enterprises of that people. On his death Dr. Kriechbaum left two sons and two daughters: George H., our subject; Fannie, now Mrs. Joseph Dimmick.

      At the age of eighteen years Dr. Kriechbaum, whose name heads this sketch, began the study of dentistry, under Drs. Warner, of Oakland, and S. H. Roberts, of San Francisco, continuing two years, one year of which time he was associated with the latter in practice. Directly after the passage of the law requiring dentists to obtain certificates he complied, and now he has been practicing for about ten years, with signal success. In 1881-2 he was in Jackson, Amador county. For his present office he has five rooms and five assistants.

      He was married in Jackson, in 1881, to Mary Briggs, who was born in 1861, in that place, the daughter or Hon. R. M. Briggs, Superior Judge of Mono county, who died in 1887, at the age of seventy-one years. His widow, Mary Scott, before marriage, is still living, aged about sixty years.

      Mrs. Kriechbaum, is a graduate in music. Dr. And Mrs. Kriechbaum have one daughter living, Maud Irene, born in 1882; they lost three children in infancy.

      The Doctor is a member of Oakland Lodge, No. 118, I. O. O. F., and is actively interested in all the enterprises of his church. He is a large land-owner, is president of the San Francisco Packing Company, which is operating upon a capital of $250,000, and is also interested in a box factory.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 549, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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