San Francisco County







   COLONEL HENRY I. KOWALSKY, another member of the San Francisco bar, was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1859.  When quite young, his parents removed to the Pacific Coast, where he was reared and educated.  In 1882 he was admitted to the bar, since which time he has been engaged in successfully practicing his profession before the State and Federal Courts.

   Although devoting himself to a general law business, he has given much time and attention to probate matters, and has been connected with many of the larger and more important contests in the State of California; among which may be mentioned the well-known and celebrated Sharon-Hill contest; the Jessup, Blythe, and Dama estate litigations.  To the trial of some of these he devoted many months, and opposed the most eminent counsel of the Bar of the State of California.

   Besides these he has handled many others involving large amounts, and has been successful almost without exception.

   Colonel Kowalsky is in politics a Republican, but not an office-seeker, preferring to devote his time and attention to the demands of his profession.  He has been prominently identified with the military interests of the State, and was appointed and served as Judge Advocate General with the rank of Colonel, on the Staff of the late Governor R. W. Waterman.


 Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 302-303, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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