San Francisco County






     S. E. Knowles, M. D., D.D.S., whose office is at No. 235 Post Street, San Francisco, has been a resident of this city since April, 1854, and has been engaged in the practice of dentistry since 1866. He was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1848, the son of Dr. C. C. Knowles, who was one of the pioneer settlers of California, and one of the pioneer dentists of San Francisco. The family are of English descent, and were among the early settlers of New England. Our subject received his early education in the public schools of this city, commencing in the primary schools  and graduating at the high school in 1866. He then commenced the study of dentistry, under the preceptorship of his father, Dr. C. C. Knowles, who was for many years a prominent resident of this city, and at the same time entered the medical department of the University of the  Pacific, now the Cooper Medical College, where he graduated in 1871, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine. He then went East, entering the Philadelphia Dental College, where he graduated in 1873, receiving his degree as Doctor of Dental Surgery. He then returned to San Francisco, where he has since been continuously engaged in his profession.


            The Doctor is a member of the State Dental Association, and of the San Francisco Dental Association. He is also a member of the State Medical Association of California, of the County Medical Society of San Francisco, of the International Medical Association, and of the State Board of Dental Examiners.



Transcribed by: Frank Vaccarezza.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 150-151, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Frank Vaccarezza




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