San Francisco County








Samuel Knight is senior member of the law firm of Knight, Boland & Christin, of San Francisco. He is a native of California, born in December, 1863, at San Francisco. His educational training was obtained in public and private schools of that city and Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., as well as Yale University, from which he graduated with distinction in 1887. He studied law for one year at the same institution, then continued his legal studies at Columbia University, graduating in 1889.


He was admitted to the New York bar in 1889 and entered practice in association with the firm of Evarts, Choate & Beaman. The following year he returned to San Francisco, and in 1893 he became Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of California, becoming United States Attorney in 1896.


In 1898 Mr. Knight returned to private practice as a member of the firm of Cooper & Knight. Two years later the firm of Page, McCutchen, Knight & Olney was formed and so continued for a number of years. Among the important cases which Mr. Knight handled during this period are the celebrated Nome, Alaska Mining cases, Civil and Criminal, Oro Electric Co. vs. Railroad Commission, North Bloomfield & Co. vs. U. S., Niehaus Brothers vs. Contra Costa Water Co., and American Land Co. vs. Zeiss.


The present firm of Knight, Boland & Christin specializes in corporation and insurance law. They are Counsel for many important interests, including the Association of Life Insurance Presidents, the Metropolitan, Mutual, Prudential, Union Central, Bankers, and other life insurance companies, Eastman Kodak Co., American Trading Co., American Indemnity Co., Equitable Trust Co. of New York, Equitable Eastern Banking Co., Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, The Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, Ltd., Radio Corporation of America, Interstate Co., and Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson.


During the World War Mr. Knight served in the Judge Advocate General's Department, with the rank of Major. He served as a Trustee of Hillsborough, where he has his residence, from 1913 to 1918, and from 1920 until his recent resignation. He is a member of the American Bar Association, State Bar Association, the Bar Association of San Francisco, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and the American Society of International Law. He is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Skull & Bones and Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternities, Pacific Union Club, Commonwealth Club, Commercial Club, Olympic Club, Old Colony Club, Burlingame Country Club, Pacific Coast Jockey Club, and the University Club of New York. In 1898 he married Mary Hurd Holbrook.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: "American Blue Book California Lawyers" by H. James Boswell, Pages 104-105, Produced by H. James Boswell, 1928.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.








California Biography Project


San Francisco County