San Francisco County








CHARLES A. KLINKNER, real-estate and general insurance agent, of Klinknerville, is one of the progressive and influential citizens of Alameda County. In 1878 he located between the prosperous cities of Oakland and Berkeley, and since that time has been prominently identified with the growth and prosperity of that section. He began building in the beautiful suburb now known as Klinknerville, purchasing a residence lot for $100. And borrowing the capital with which to do his building. He has since erected fifty-two buildings, dwellings and business places, and owns 2,000 front feet on San Pablo avenue, one of the main thourghfares of Oakland. Among the buildings put up by Mr. Klinkner are some of the most expensive of the place.  Klinkner’s Block, which covers a frontage of 120 feet, is a two story frame structure of good style and finish; it is occupied by the post office, and a drug store and general stock of dry goods; the upper story is used for a public hall, and there are besides forty two offices. The large hotel building is also the property of Mr. Klinkner. In all Public enterprises he has been among the first to respond with his money and influence. He has been a liberal contributor to the churches and educational enterprises. From his private funds he gave $500, and raised $2,000 by subscription, as an inducement to the railroad company to extend a horse-car line to Klinknerville from Emery Station. To him also is due the credit of getting a branch Post Office located at Klinknerville. The advent of the electric and cable roads has given rapid transit between Oakland and Berkeley, greatly increasing the value of the property in the neighborhood of Klinknerville.

      Mr. Klinkner is also conducting a large and lucrative business at 320 Sansome Street, San Francisco, manufacturing rubber and metallic stamps and badges of all descriptions. He employs a considerable force of men, and has agencies throughout the State.

      Mr. Klinkner is a native of Germany, and dates his birth at Surbruechen on the Rhine, June 24, 1852. He was reared in the southeastern part of Iowa, his parents having immigrated to the State when he was a child. He is the second of a family of fourteen children born to John and Katherine Klinkner, natives of Germany. The father died in 1884, but the mother still survives and resides in Iowa. Charles A. attended school until he was eleven years of age, and from that time he has relied upon his own resources. In 1872 he came to California and settled in San Francisco, where he secured employment in the general merchandise and novelty store of Van Schaack & Co. Thirteen months later he took his blankets and followed a threshing-machine in the interior for six months. He next engaged as traveling salesman to a “peddler”, and six weeks later he bought out his employer for $142. He continued the business three months, when he found he had cleared the neat little sum of $960. He then returned to San Francisco, and made a specialty of peddling novelties for a short time. He next sold rubber stamps, finding that very profitable business, he traveled several months throughout the central and northern portion of the State, finely locating in San Francisco.

      Mr. Klinkner was married in Solano County, November 3, 1875, to Miss. Katharine V. Parke a pioneer of the days of ’49. Mr. and Mrs. Klinkner are the parents of seven children: Charles A., Frederick S., Hattie V., Cora, Harry and Elma. Politically Mr. Klinkner is a stance Democrat, and takes an active interest in local politics. He is a member of the Rising Star Lodge, No 152, Knights of Pythias, and has filled some of the important offices of that society. He is also identified with Harbor View Council, Chosen Friends. He has always been a man of indomitable zeal and energy, and one whom any community may be proud to acknowledge.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 525-526, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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