San Francisco County








JOHN H. KLEIN.--The discovery of the uses to which electricity can be applied during the last half century has brought into existence the industry of manufacturing electrical supplies, a business in which our subject takes a prominent part in San Francisco.  Mr. Klein is a native of the State of New York, born in Utica, June 5, 1854.  His forefathers were natives of Alsace, France, and his immediate ancestors emigrated from that province in 1832.  He was reared and educated in Utica, and at the age of twenty-two years he come to California.  He had been in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company six years previous to his removal to California.  He came direct to San Francisco, immedietely [sic] securing a position with the Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph Company, and for five years was the chief of repairs.  At the end of that period he engaged in the manufacture of telegraphic and telephonic apparatus, and did contracting for telegraphic lines.  He has made electrical apparatus his life study, and has made some improvements that have superseded the old appliances.  He opened his business place at 224 Montgomery street, but the demands soon necessitated enlarged quarters, when he removed to 720 Montgomery street, where his business is still located.  He keeps a first-class stock, of general electrical supplies, and conducts a thriving business.  At the last Mechanics’ Fair held in San Francisco, he was an exhibitor, and received the highest premium, a gold medal, for the best display of electrical supplies and appliances.  His trade extends from Alaska to Mexico and Central America, and he is everywhere regarded as a most reliable dealer.  He is one of the directors of the Pacific Electric Motor Company.

      Mr. Klein was married in 1882 to Miss Mary Ellen Cook, a native of California and a daughter of John H. Cook, one of the pioneers of the State.  Our subject is a worthy member of Mission Lodge, F. & A. M., and has taken thirty degrees in A. & A. S. R.  He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias, and has represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge.  He is a prompt, energetic business man, and enjoys the fullest confidence of commercial circles in San Francisco.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 650, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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