San Francisco County





Vincent Kingwell, proprietor of the California Brass Works, San Francisco, although a comparatively young man, has been actively identified with his present business for the past quarter of a century.  He served an apprenticeship in Boston, and came to the Pacific coast in 1859, and began work in the shop of John C. Ayres, and a few years later, in 1865, became connected with the business of which for many years he has been the proprietor.  The California Brass Works gives employment to twenty-five to thirty-five hands, in the manufacture of ship work, including all kinds of brass composition, phosphor and white-metal castings, as well as church, steamboat and fire-alarm bells.  It is one of the pioneer establishments of the kind in the city and on the coast, and its trade extends from Southern California along the whole extent of the Pacific coast to Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, and has an enviable reputation for the character and standard of its finished work.  Mr. Kingwell is a thorough, practical mechanic in all the details of his business, giving it his personal supervision.  He had nothing when he began life, and his success is owing to his own efforts.  He was elected a member of the Board of Supervisors, and is one of the most practical and efficient members of the board.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 107-108, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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