San Francisco County









      Preston W. King, who now holds the position of superintendent of the San Francisco city and county road repair department, is a descendant of real pioneer California forbears. He was born in San Luis Obispo, California, January 22, 1884, and is a son of Charles O. and Emma (Smith) King, the former having come to California from New York state in the ‘50s and engaged in gold mining in the Placerville field. He later returned to San Luis Obispo, and was assessor there for over twelve years.

      Preston W. King completed the courses of the public schools of San Luis Obispo, then entered Stanford University in Palo Alto, and finished with the class of 1907. He thereafter became associated with the Big Creed Power Company as an engineer, and worked in the Santa Cruz mountains, while later he was connected with the Union Traction Company in Santa Cruz. Next he entered business for himself in the city engineer’s office. In 1913, he was appointed as assistant superintendent in the road repair department of the city and county of San Francisco. He discharged his duties here with exceptional ability, and in 1920 was named as superintendent, which position he has held ever since with great credit to himself.

      Mr. King was married May 26, 1909, to Miss Helen Bennett, a daughter of the Hon. M. P. and Mollie (Anderson) Bennett, of Placerville, California. Mrs. King’s father was one of California’s eminent jurists and was known throughout the state. Mr. and Mrs. King have one son, John, who is now a member of the class of 1934 at Stanford University, his father’s alma mater.

      Mr. King is a thirty-second degree Mason, a member of all the California bodies and the Mystic Shrine, and is past master of Veritas Lodge. He belongs to the Native Sons of Golden West. Aside from his official duties in the service of San Francisco city and county, he has invariably contributed his cooperation and interest to various worthy movements of the bay district, and his numerous friends and acquaintances hold him in the highest esteem and confidence. The development of California is directly attributable to the spirit, the energy and the progressiveness of such citizens as Preston W. King.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 311-312.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County