San Francisco County








F. J. KIERCE is a native son of the "Golden State," born February 6, 1863 in San Francisco. His parents emigrated to California in 1862, and located first in San Francisco, removing to Solano county in 1865. The father there became a farmer and stock-raiser, and a large land-owner; he is well-known throughout the State, and is now a resident of this city. Young Kierce attended the public schools in Solano county until he was sixteen years of age, and then entered St. Mary’s College in San Francisco in August, 1879, at which institution he was graduated in June, 1862, with the degree of A. B.; he afterward took the degree of A.M.

      After leaving school he was engaged in the occupation of agriculture, but finding that this calling was not altogether in harmony with his tastes, he in March, 1865, entered the law office of Milton A. Wheaton, Esq., with whom he pursued his legal studies. In May, 1887, he was admitted to the bar, after which he began the active practice of his profession. He is now associated with Mr. Wheaton and J. M. Kalloch, under the name and style of Wheaton, Kalloch & Kierce, in legal business, and has bright prospects ahead of him.

      The firm enjoys a lucrative practice in all the courts, paying especial attention to patents, trade-marks, general commercial and probate practice, etc.

      Mr. Kierce is a member of the Young Men’s Institute No. 1, of which he is now president. He also belongs to the Pacific parlor, Native Sons of the Golden West.



Transcribed7-7-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 419-420, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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San Francisco County


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