Mary H. Kenny, M.D., was a pioneer of California and also one of the early woman physicians and surgeons of this state, she having been successfully engaged in the practice of her profession in the City of Oakland for many years. 

Doctor Kenney was born in Maine, a daughter of James M. and Olive (Locke) Robinson and a representative of colonial New England ancestry. She came to California in 1855, and in San Francisco was solemnized her marriage to Isaac Adams Kenney, who was born in New Hampshire and whose death occurred in 1880, leaving one son, Walter Adams Kenney. In the earlier years of her practice Doctor Kenney was an exponent of the Homeopathic School of Medicine, and later she was graduated in the Eclectic Medical College that was founded by Doctors Webster and McRea. She engaged in practice at Oakland in the year 1878, gave special attention to the treatment of chronic diseases and built up a large and representative practice, besides equipping and conducting a sanitarium. Doctor Kenney achieved large success and worthy prestige in her chosen profession, and in her ministrations and through her gracious personality she won a host of friends. 

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region," by Bailey Millard, Vol. 3, page 351, The American Historical Society, Inc., 1924.


© 2004 Donna L. Becker.


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