San Francisco County








KENNEDY, WILLIAM HOWE, Stocks and Bonds, Vice President Pierce-Kennedy Brokerage Co., Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal., was born in Des Moines, Iowa, February 12, 1872, the son of Doctor Josiah Forest Kennedy and Mary Catherine (Reigart) Kennedy.  He married Mary Adelle Satterlee at Dunlap, Iowa, June 16, 1897, and to them has been born two sons, Donald Satterlee Kennedy and William Howe Kennedy, Jr.

      Mr. Kennedy is of Scotch and Irish ancestry, both sides having been represented by men notable in the history of the two countries.  One of the early members of the family was James Kennedy, Bishop of St. Andrews’, in Scotland during the reign of James II.  A later member of the family, his great-great grandfather was William Kennedy, a noted Scotchman, who married a sister of Lord North, Prime Minister of England before and during the Revolutionary War.  Lord North was one of the most prominent men in the reign of King George the III, and was credited with having more influence with his King than any man in public life at that time.  After a notably brilliant career he retired as the Earl of Guilford.  For five years before his death he was totally blind.  During the Civil War, Mr. Kennedy’s father, Dr. Josiah Forest Kennedy was a surgeon in the regular army, receiving his appointment direct from Abraham Lincoln.  While in service he was surgeon of the Officers’ Hospital at Washington, D. C. Later removing to Des Moines he was elected Secretary and treasurer of the State Board of Medical Examiners and held these positions for twenty-three consecutive years, the longest record ever held by any public official in the State of Iowa, with the exception of the late United States Senator William Alison.

      Mr. Kennedy’s wife is a member of the family of which the late Bishop Saterlee of Washington, D. C. was a notable representative.

      Mr. Kennedy received his primary education in the public schools of Des Moines and later completed his studies at Highland Park College and the Baptist College of the same city.  Leaving college in 1892 Mr. Kennedy traveled for two years, and during that time visited many parts of the United States and Mexico.  Returning to Des Moines in 1894 he passed a civil service examination for position in the United States Postoffice there, but remained in the Government employ only a short time.  In 1896 Mr. Kennedy entered the employ of the Northwestern Life and Savings Company of Des Moines, as a special representative, and there began the career in which he has earned a name for himself as one of the expert sales managers of the United States.  From the position of special representative of this institution he was soon elected to the position of Manager of Agents and Director of the Company.  As Manager of Agents he had charge of one of the largest agency forces in the United States, including some 1500 men scattered over all parts of the Union.  He held this position for seven years.  His dexterous management of the agents employed and his ability to influence men of large affairs, resulted in the sale of millions of dollars of bonds for that institution throughout the country.  In 1912 Mr. Kennedy resigned his position and went to Philadelphia, Pa., as General Eastern Manager of the National Life & Trust Co., and remained there for the next two years.  At the end of that period he accepted a position as Superintendent of Agents of the selling branch of the Middlesex Banking Company with headquarters in New York City, and organized a selling force of about two hundred and fifty agents.  He is credited with having directed the sale of $2,700,000 of bonds in the last fourteen months of his connection with that company.  Of this amount he personally disposed of over $300,000 worth.  In 1906, Mr. Kennedy decided to go into business for himself, and opened brokerage offices in New York and Philadelphia.  During the next five years he was unusually active in the sale of timber lands and listed and unlisted securities, meeting with splendid success.

      In October, 1911, he gave up his business in the East and moved, with his family, to Los Angeles, where he has since been located.

      In company with Dr. V. Mott Pierce, the proprietary medicine manufacturer of Buffalo, N. Y., W. O. Stratton, banker and beet sugar manufacturer of Los Angeles, and Karl K. Kennedy, a brother, Mr. Kennedy organized the Pierce-Kennedy Brokerage Company, and opened offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

      This company operates extensively in listed and unlisted securities.  Since the organization of the business the company has handled several important issues of stock with startling success, it has been stated, and has taken a front rank among the active stock and bond concerns of the Pacific Coast.

      Mr. Kennedy, who takes little interest in politics or outside interests, enjoys an unusually high standing in stock and bond circles as manager and salesman and has been declared in various letters from bankers and others, to be one of the most capable men in the United States in these lines.  He is a member of the Sierra Madre Club of Los Angeles.




Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 428, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Betty Vickroy.


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