San Francisco County







JOSEPH P. KELLY, a prominent young lawyer of San Francisco was born in this city in 1861. His father, Michael Joseph Kelly, was a native of Ireland and during his early boyhood ran away from home and came to this country. In New York, he served an apprenticeship to the carriage-making trade, and at the age of eighteen was conducting a large business there of which he was sole proprietor. He sent for his parents and brought them to this country.

      He was married in New York, and in 1860 came to San Francisco, where he engaged in carriage manufacturing and continued in this business many years. In 1875 he engaged in contracting and stone work; had the contract for grading Harrison and School streets, built the children’s Play House at Golden Gate Park, and also had large contracts for building sewers, employing hundreds of men. He had a Government contract on Mare Island at the time of his death, which occurred October 28, 1889. During his active and useful life he accumulated a large estate, which was left to his widow and five children, two sons and three daughters.

      Joseph P. Kelly received his education at St. Ignatius College. He entered the University and graduated in the law department with the class of 1883, after which he was admitted to the bar. Since that time he has been successfully engaged in the practice of his Profession, representing Eastern railroad companies and local corporations, also doing a large probate business. He was appointed referee in the Blythe estate for settlement of accounts of the late Phil A. Roach. Mr. Kelly is one of the youngest attorneys now practicing before the United States Supreme Court.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 610-11, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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