San Francisco County







Who for the past quarter of a century has been prominently identified with art on the Pacific coast, is a native of Scotland. He was reared and educated in that country and came to New York, where he learned wood engraving. He came to this coast in 1859 and followed engraving for several years, after which he devoted his time and attention to painting in oil, doing landscape and portrait work. He has done much to advance the interests of his profession on this coast and has achieved an enviable reputation. Mr. Keith’s studio is situated on Montgomery Street San Francisco. Among his noted works of art we mention the “Coast Range.” “High Sierras” and “Head Waters of the Merced;” the latter piece now adorning the gallery of Senator Stanford. The “Crown of the Sierras,” he painted for Mr. J. K. Harmon, and “The Head of the American River,” for Mrs. Hopkins. The result of his work is also found in the galleries of many of the leading residents of this city and State. Mr. Keith is a Director of the San Francisco Art Association.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 606-607, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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