San Francisco County










Francis Valentine Keesling, insurance official and attorney, was born in San Jose, California, on February 17, 1877; son of Francis Marion and Mary (Nunez) Keesling. Graduated from Stanford University in 1898 with the A.B. degree.

      Mr. Keesling was admitted to the California State Bar in 1898 and has since practiced in San Francisco where he is now member of the firm of Keesling & Keesling. Also president of West Coast Life Insurance Company; and chairman of the Board of Blair Holdings Corporation, New York.

      Member of the National Guard of California, 1901-09, retiring as Major. Commanded the Coast Artillery Battalion during the San Francisco fire in 1906.

      He was chairman of Republican State Central Committee, California, 1914-16; director of Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District (chairman of Building Committee, 1929-37); member of Board of Freeholders of San Francisco, wrote existing charter of city and county, and chairman of Drafting Committee, 1930; chairman of California Statewide Committee on Reorganization of State Government, 1936; director of San Francisco Bay Area Council, 1945, and member of Executive Committee, 1946-47. Chairman of San Francisco Charter Revision Committee, 1944-47; member of Council of National Municipal League, 1941-47; special assistant to the Attorney General of United States in 1941 (hearing officer in Northern District of California for appeals of conscientious objectors); chairman of Civilian Council Officer Procurement, U.S.N., 1942-46.

      Mr. Keesling is a member of Board of Directors of San Francisco Y.M.C.A. and was president, 1936-42; director of Better Business Bureau of San Francisco since 1949; director of Life Insurance Medical Research Fund, 1950-51; chairman of National Committee of Stanford Law School Plan, 1950-51.

      Member of U.S.O. Council of San Francisco (chairman, 1941-42); American Life Convention (chairman of legal section, 1915-16; member of Executive Committee, 1930-36; president, 1933-34); Association of Life Insurance Counsel (honorary member, chairman of Executive Committee, 1927-28; vice president, 1929-31; president, 1931-32); California Insurance Federation (president since 1942); American Bar Association, State Bar of California (member of Committee of Bar Examiners, 1928-29; member of Board of Governors, 1929-30), Bar Association of San Francisco (governor, 1928-29), American Judicature Society, Stanford Law Society (president, 1932-33), Stanford Associates (member of Executive Committee; member of Board of Governors, 1936-42), Stanford Alumni Association (president, 1930); Sigma Nu (regent, 1906-08) and Phi Delta Phi Fraternities. Mason (33rd degree; past grand master, grand treasurer since 1943, California). Clubs: Pacific-Union, Commonwealth (quarterly chairman, 1941; member of Board of Governors, 1943-47, and Executive Committee, 1947, chairman program committee, 1949); San Francisco Golf (San Francisco); California (Los Angeles).

      Mr. Keesling married Haidee Grau November 19, 1903; children: Jacqueline (Mrs. William T. Sesnon, Jr.), Francis V., Jr., William Hubert and Jeanne (Mrs. Thomas B. Laird, Jr.).

      Home: 20 Presidio Terrace, San Francisco 18, California.

      Offices: 315 Montgomery Street and 605 Market Street, San Francisco, California.





Transcribed by Marie Hassard 10 February 2014.

­­Source: Eminent Californians 1953, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Pages 177-178, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Marie Hassard.






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