San Francisco County






MAX KARRAS, of San Francisco, was born in the city of Berlin, Prussia, in 1846, and was reared and educated in his native city. He came to the Pacific coast in 1861, and during the war enlisted in the volunteers, and was in the United States service until December 25, 1865. Early in the following year he entered the photograph gallery of Bailey & Cramer, where he remained about two years. After taking a trip up the coast he returned to this city and became connected with Vaughn’s gallery on Third street, and remained with this well-known gallery until the death of Mr. Vaughn in 1879. Mr. Karras then became a partner in the business, and conducted it until 1889, when he became sole proprietor. This well-known gallery, one of the oldest in the city, was established by Mr. Vaughn on Montgomery street, in 1864, and for the past quarter of a century Mr. Karras has been connected with it as operator, manager and proprietor. He has a large business experience, and gives his personal supervision to the details of the trade.






DR. V. A. CARRANZA, dentist, whose office is at No. 1228 Market street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1876, and engaged in the practice of dentistry since 1881. He was born in Costa Rica, Central America, in 1851, and is of Spanish descent. His father, Dr. Bruno Carranza, was a prominent physician and planter of Costa Rica, and at one time was President of that Republic. He is now a resident of Quezaltenango, Guatemala, Central America. He has been holding a prominent place as a statesman and Representative.

      The subject of this sketch received his education in the public schools of Hanover, Germany, to which country his parents sent him when thirteen years of age. He passed through the Gymnasium, and later the University of Osnabruck, passing the usual examinations. Returning to Costa Rica in 1869, he was engaged for some time in coffee-planting in that State. In 1876 he came to California where he engaged in the study of dentistry, under the preceptorship of Dr. Whinery formerly a dentist in this city, with whom he remained nearly five years. In 1881 he engaged in the practice of his profession, in which he has since continued.



Transcribed 5-03-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 408, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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