San Francisco County





Henry Kahn. - The firm of Henry Kahn & Co., San Francisco, importers of French, German and English dry goods, is composed of the following gentlemen:  Julius Kahn,  S. Bine,  L. Klein and Henry Kahn.  The house was established in 1879.  In their particular line (French and English goods), they are the largest dealers in San Francisco.  They also have a house in Paris.  Since the establishment of their business in this city they have made four moves, each time seeking larger and better quarters, thus evincing a constantly increasing business.  Their trade now extends over California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Texas, and several of the Pacific Islands - a vast area of rapidly developing country. 

   Mr. Kahn is a native of France,  born in 1855.  He came to the United States in 1872, after the Franco-German war.  During the siege of Paris, when not yet 16 years of age, he served in one of the hospitals.  His father was financially ruined by the war.  His brother Emil came from France to enlist in the Union Army, and served until  he lost his life in the great struggle to maintain the Union.  Mr. Kahn is a graduate of the Lycee Charlemagne of Paris.  He came direct to San Francisco in 1872; was at first employed by his brothers in the wheat-buying business, and later became a partner with them.  The firm becoming aware that there was room in San Francisco and its adjacent territory for a business like that they now conduct, one of the brothers returned to Paris and opened the house there, while Mr. Kahn and his partners established their business in this city.

   Mr. Kahn is married, has invested in real estate in San Francisco, and identified himself with the affairs of the country of his adoption.  In his business relations he is most courteous and obliging, and no house in the city enjoys a higher reputation for honorable and liberal methods than that of Henry Kahn & Co.  His political preferences are with the Democratic party.       


Transcribed by Walt Howe.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 12, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.





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