San Francisco County








JUESSEN, EDMUND, Mining Engineer, San Francisco, California, was born in Chicago, Illinois, August 10, 1868, the son of Edmund Juessen and Antonia (Schurz) Juessen. He married Jennie Josephine Peabody at Lewiston, Idaho, September 22, 1895, and to them there have been born two children, Edmund Peabody Juessen and Jean Josephine Juessen. He is of German descent, his mother having been a sister of Carl Schurz, the noted German patriot, soldier and litterateur. Schurz, it will be remembered, was concerned in the revolt of 1848-49 and was forced to flee Germany, but later returned secretly and effected the escape from the Fortress of Spandau of his friend, Professor Kinkel. His subsequent career in America, as a soldier, diplomat and Senator, marked him as one of the most powerful men of his day.

      Mr. Juessen, who is ranked among the leading mining experts of the United States, received careful preparation for his profession, being afforded exceptional educational opportunities. Following the completion of his preliminary education in the schools of this country, he went to Europe for special study and for about eight years attended some of the principal universities of the Old World. He was a student at the Austrian School of Mines, Leoben, Austria, for two years (1883-85) and then entered the Saxon School of Mines at Freiberg, Saxony, remaining there until 1887. In the latter year he went to the University of Austria at Vienna, remained there two years and in the fall of 1889 entered the University of Zurich in Switzerland. He was graduated from the latter institution in 1890 with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

      During his stay in Europe Mr. Juessen spent a great deal of time in travel and in observation of the different countries and returned to the United States with a thorough knowledge of the various peoples and the languages.

      For a time after his return to this country Mr. Juessen was a member of the faculty of the University of Chicago, but his life, for the most part, has been spent in mining work. He served the Federal Government in the United States Geological Survey for approximately two years (1890-92), but gave this up to go into mine engineering work, at which he has since been steadily engaged.

      During the eighteen years or more that he has devoted himself to professional work Mr. Juessen has visited practically every important mining section of America, his examination and engineering work taking him from British Columbia on the North to Mexico on the South, while he also worked in the States of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, California and Arizona.

      Among his more important works were those of Consulting Engineer to the Mines Exploration Company, General Superintendent of the Decatur Mines Syndicate, Limited; General Manager of the Idaho Company at Lewiston, Idaho, and General Manager of the Pittsburg Silver Peak Mining Company at Blair, Nevada. This latter was one of the richest gold properties in the State, and Mr. Juessen, as the managerial head, had an important part in its development.

      Mr. Juessen is known as a strict disciplinarian in his work, but he also is extremely human in his treatment of the men under him, and during his management of the Pittsburg Silver Peak Gold Mining Company’s property, endeared himself to the workmen because of the interest he took in their welfare. He not only made their working conditions among the best in the mining regions of the West but also built among the first structures after taking charge of the property, a modern hospital. He originated a benefit system in which the company paid part of the expenses which proved a boon to the workingmen.

      Upon severing his connection with the Silver Peak interests, Mr. Juessen was engaged for some time in special examination and exploration work and ultimately became associated with Charles Sweeney, one of the well-known mining men of the West, as Consulting Engineer and expert for various properties owned by him or his companies. In this capacity Mr.Juessen has been one of the active men in the engineering field. He is also Consulting Engineer for Senator William Flinn, the Pittsburg millionaire traction magnate and contractor, who has large mining interests.

      Mr. Juessen, aside from his professional standing, enjoys wide personal popularity. He is a member of various technical and professional organizations and belongs to the Alta Club of Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Spokane Club of Spokane, Washington.



Transcribed by Gloria (Wiegner) Lane.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, Page 656, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Gloria Lane.


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