San Francisco County









      During the comparatively brief time in which Paul K. Judson has conducted his own life insurance business in San Francisco, he has met with well defined and highly merited success, and now stands in the foreground in this field. He was born in Chicago, Illinois, January 22, 1886. His father, the late William B. Judson, was of English descent and a native of New York state, where he was reared and educated. He moved to Chicago in the early ‘70s, and there resided until his retirement in 1906. For many years, he was the publisher of the American Lumberman, a trade lumber journal issued in Chicago. In the year of his retirement he made his way westward to Seattle, Washington, where he maintained his residence until his death, passing away in Pasadena, California, in 1911, when he was sixty-seven years of age. Fraternally he was affiliated with the Masons, while his religious faith was indicated by his membership in the Christian Science Church. His wife, Grace (King) Judson, was born in Rochester, New York, a descendant of an English family which early settled in the Empire state. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. By her marriage to William B. Judson, she became the mother of three children, as follows: W. Bruce, who is deceased; Paul K., the immediate subject of this biography; and Ruth S., who lives in Seattle, Washington.

      Paul K. Judson attended the grade schools in Chicago and the Culver Military Academy of Indiana. He continued his studies at the University of Chicago, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in 1909. Equipped with this excellent educational training, he then became associated with the sales department of the Federal Electric Company in Chicago, with which concern he remained for ten years. During this interval he was advanced to the position of manager of the Baltimore (Md.) Branch. His next affiliation was in the capacity of advertising manager of the Westerner Magazine, which was published in Seattle, Washington. Two years later he became identified with the life insurance business in a selling position with the Penn Mutual organization, and at the end of four years he became a resident of San Francisco, where he continued his association with the Penn Mutual until March, 1927. At that date he organized his own insurance business, and now has extensive offices at 333 Montgomery street. He represents leading old line life insurance companies, and during the year 1930 his office wrote close to one million dollars in insurance. He was chosen president of the Northern Association of California Life Underwriters in 1925. He has fulfilled the responsibilities of his business with rare skill and intelligent direction, and the good repute he now holds in San Francisco is due to his own efforts entirely.

      On the 27th of February, 1917, in Seattle, Washington, Mr. Judson was married to Mrs. Florence (Fulton) Sanborn, a native of St. Paul, Minnesota, and a daughter of Dr. John F. Fulton, prominent physician of St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Judson have become the parents of three children: Paul K., Jr., born in Seattle, November 2, 1918; Barbara Florence, born in Oakland, California, April 21, 1921; and Patricia Ann, born in San Francisco, June 7, 1923. The family residence is at 3767 Harrison street. By a former marriage, Mrs. Judson has one son, Walter H. Sanborn.

      Mr. Judson has maintained an independent viewpoint in political affairs. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to St. John’s Lodge in Seattle and California Chapter in San Francisco. He has become known as a citizen who holds a favorable attitude toward the civic welfare of his adopted city, and through his business and social contacts he has won many friends.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 494-496.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County