San Francisco County



Joseph A. Joyce


Joseph A. Joyce, a prominent lawyer of San Francisco, is a native of Connecticut, where he was born in 1856.  His parents and ancestors were natives of New England.  His father, Charles Joyce, and his mother are still living there.  Mr. Joyce attended school in his native State, graduated at Cheshire Academy, and entered Trinity College, Hartford.  Owing, however, to a lack of means, he gave up a college course and entered the law office of Colonel Nelson White, then State Attorney, where he pursued his legal studies.  He was admitted to the bar in Connecticut in 1878, and was successfully engaged in the practice of law there for ten years.  While there he was appointed Town Attorney of Bridgeport, and was acting Coroner of Fairfield county for several years.  On account of ill health he came to California, in 1888, and became associated with Judge Hamilton, one of the oldest members of the California bar, as well as one of the ablest Judges in that State, and since then has practiced his profession here.  While engaged in general practice he has given much attention to mining law.  Mr. Joyce was assistant editor of the American State Reports, published by Bancroft  & Whitney.  He has written much for law periodicals, the American and English Encyclopedia of Law, and Lawson’s Rights, Remedies and Practice.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 648, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.



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