Mrs. J. F. Jordan is the proprietress of the New England villa at San Rafael, a fashionable and delightful summer resort, with magnificent drives and shady grounds, covering an entire block, with recreation hall, bowling alley, croquet grounds, shuffle boards, swings, hammocks, etc., etc.  The main building is a large two-story structure, and there are eighteen cottages for families, containing in all forty-five sunny and well ventilated rooms.  The Albion House near by is a two-story edifice, containing twenty-seven rooms, and is operated in connection with the villa.  For convenient arrangement, home comfort, cleanliness and excellent service the villa has no superior in northern California.  Mrs. Jordan is a lady of refinement, amiable disposition, and one who thoroughly understands how to make her guests comfortable.  The house is open year round and accommodates 200 guests.  She is also the possessor of a handsome residence property on Sixth street, overlooking the bay, and its surroundings are elegantly furnished, and this she also rents to sojourners for the summer season.


Mrs. Jordan is a native of England, came to America in 1869, and has been a resident of California since 1880.  Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have no children of their own.  The family consists of four, including one daughter and one son by adoption.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page _, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.



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