San Francisco County







Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Licentiate of the faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Licentiate in Midwifery of Edinburgh; a member of the American Medical Association, a member of the American Public Health Association, surgeon for five years in his Majesty’s Army in India; and formerly surgeon in the National Steamship Company of Liverpool, and Assistant Surgeon of South Wales Iron and Coal Company. Dr. Jones now makes a specialty of office practice in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose, throat and skin diseases, as well as in rectal, urethral and orthopedic surgery, prior to coming to California. He was a general practitioner for twenty-five years, fifteen of which were passed at Scranton, Pennsylvania. Dr. Jones was born at Fremadoe, Caernarvonshire, North Wales, September 24, 1844, the son of Robert and Martha (Roberts) Jones. The father is still living in that Country, at the age of eighty-one years a chemist and druggist in his native town, and has occupied the same store since 1836; is well known to Welsh-speaking people throughout the world as a poet and litterateur, under the nom de plume of “Alltud Eifion”. On his fathers side he descended from a race of distinguished surgeons known throughout Wales for centuries. On his mothers side he comes from a race of yeomanry, as he now has two brothers practicing as physicians, while one uncle and at least one member of the family for many generations back have been members of the profession. As a boy Dr. Jones attended the national schools of his native town, and later went through a preparatory course at Rushly’s grammar school at Farndon, near Chester, England, where he continued until the age of fifteen years. He was then apprenticed to his profession, studying under the preceptor ship of his uncle, Dr. Jones, of North Wales. Meanwhile he passed his preliminary examination at Glasgow, Scotland, and entered upon his medical course at the university at that city, graduating there in 1866, with the degree above mentioned. He then entered the British Government Emigration service as Surgeon, acting as such with the National Steamship Company between Liverpool and New York, remaining in that service from 1866 to 1868. He then competed for the appointment of surgeon in his Majesty’s India Medical service, in which he was successful after six days’ examination Dr. Jones was then sent to the Royal Victoria Hospital at Nutley, England, where he had a four months’ course of hospital practice in the treatment of military diseases. After a second competitive examination, he received a commission from Queen Victoria as surgeon and set sail for Madras, India, were he spent nearly five years as surgeon, in both civil and military departments of the India Government. Failing health compelled a change of climate, and he returned to England on leave. After visiting his native town the Doctor made a tour of the Amsted, and met and married his wife in Brooklyn, New York, deciding thereupon to resign his position in India and remain in the United States. He at once identified himself with the medical profession in this country by taking the degree of M.D. at the Western Reserve University, at Cleveland, Ohio. He at first practiced in Brooklyn for a short time and then went to Scranton, Pennsylvania, where many of his countrymen resided. There he practiced his profession about fifteen years. Having decided to devote himself to special branches of the profession, to which he already devoted considerable study, he made two trips to Europe, one in 1885 and one in 1887, visiting the hospitals in Berlin and Vienna. In 1888 Dr. Jones sold out his practice in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and proceeded to New York, where he took a course at the post-graduate Medical School in the Specialties to which he had determined to devote himself in some of the larger cities. He finally decided upon California and San Francisco as offering inducements of climate and surroundings the most congenial. He came to this coast in March, 1889, and proposes making this his future home. Having retired from the more severe work of his profession, Dr. Jones will devote merely the office hours of the day to his selected specialty.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 604, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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