WILLIAM D. JOHNSTON, M. D., has practiced medicine in San Francisco since 1871, and during the same period has been actively engaged also as an analytical chemist, devoting special attention to medico-legal investigations. He was born in New York city, in 1846, and his early education was received in the public schools in that city. Coming to California when a boy with his parents in 1855, he received further education in the grammar and high-schools of San Francisco. His medical education was conducted under the preceptorship of Dr. L. C. Lane, and at the same time entered the department of the University of the Pacific, graduating at that school in 1871, and receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Johnston at once entered into the practice of his profession, in which he has since continuously remained, devoting, however, a considerable portion of his time to chemical researches, for which he was fitted by a prior course of analytical chemistry in the years preceding his matriculation in the medical course of study.

Besides occupying the chair of Chemistry and Toxicology in the Cooper Medical College, Dr. Johnston holds the position of Chief Chemist to the State Mining Bureau. He has been connected as chemical expert with nearly all of the prominent medico-legal cases, which required the services of an expert.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 535-536, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Elaine Sturdevant.

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