San Francisco County





T.  INGLES  JANES,  M. D., whose office is at  No. 643  McAllister street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1887, and engaged in the practice of medicine since 1888.  He was born in Lambton, Canada, in 1864, and his early education was received in the public schools of that city, and in the collegiate institutes of  Strathroy and Sarnia, graduating at the former after a two years’ course and receiving a teachers’ life certificate.  He then entered the college at Sarnia, where, after one year’s study, he grad-uated into the Toronto Medical College, where he matriculated in 1884.  Deciding to study the homeopathic practice of medicine, Dr. Janes entered the Cleveland (Ohio) Hospital College, where he attended two and a half courses, being with his preceptor all this time.  Coming to California early in 1887, he entered the Hahnemann Hospital College of San Francisco, where he graduated in 1888, receiving the degree of  Doctor of Medicine.  The Doctor entered immediately into private practice, which he has since continued at his present location.  Soon after his graduation he was appointed to a clinic in the Hahnemann Hospital, which position he now holds.  Early in 1889 he was appointed to the Chair of Hygiene and Sanitary Science, which professorship he still holds.   He is a member of the California State Homeopathic Medical Society.

     Dr. Janes is of English and Scotch descent, his father having been a native of England and his mother of Scotland.  They came to Canada about fifty-five years ago, where the father engaged in farming for many years.  One of Dr. Janes’ brothers, Dr. S. W. Janes, is a practicing physician in Detroit, Michigan, and his other brothers are engaged in mercantile and farming operations in Canada.  The father died when Dr. Janes was but seven years of age, and both he and his brother, who is now practicing medicine in Michigan, are decidedly self-made men, both having earned by teaching and other occupations the money necessary to carry themselves through college and into active professional life.  


Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 19-20, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.



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