Frederick G. Ernest JANSSEN


Frederick G. Ernest JANSSEN was a California ‘49er and for many years prominently engaged in the wholesale grocery business in San Francisco and a man of recognized influence and position in that city.


He was born in Oldenberg, Germany, November 7, 1830, was reared and educated there, and as a youth of nineteen he set out to the United States, going around the Horn on the ship Talisman and reaching San Francisco September 12, 1849.  He immediately went to the mines, but remained there only a short time.  In San Francisco he set up in the retail grocery business, and when his store was burned he operated a wagon, selling his wares at the customer’s door.  He next engaged in the grocery business at Oakland at First and Broadway, and there again was visited by fire.  His next store was at Sixth and Broadway.  Selling this business he went to Europe.  Having lived in America for several years, he could not accommodate himself to the restrictions of Germany, and soon left and arrived in San Francisco shortly after the earthquake of 1868.  He became associated with the wholesale grocery firm of KRUSE & EULER, and was in business until he finally retired.  He was a charter member of the Odd Fellows Lodge at Oakland, and a member of the Society of California Pioneers.


In December, 1855, Mr. JANSSEN married Leontine C. L. HELMKE.  She was born in Germany and she and her husband were married in San Francisco.  Of their thirteen children five are now living:  Antoinette, of Chicago, widow of William PIRRIE; Leontine C. L. ., of Oakland; Mrs.  Louise BARTELS, who resides in San Francisco; Mina, wife of Fred HELMKE, of Fort SEWARD, California; and Edward A., of San Francisco.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 273-274 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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