Nathaniel T. James

Nathaniel T. James, President of the Union Insurance Company, is a native of St. Louis, Missouri, and comes of Welsh ancestry.  His great-grandfather, Thomas James, came from Pembroke, Wales, to Virginia during the early colonial days.  His son, Thomas James, Jr., was born in Virginia, and served on General Washington's staff during the Revolution.  His son, Anvil James, was one of a family of sixteen children, was born in Chilicothe, Ohio, and was wedded to Laura Cornelia Talbot, a native of Virginia and daughter of Mayor Hilary Talbot, a Revolutionary soldier.  They had two children, a daughter and the subject of this sketch.

     At the age of ten years Mr. James came to California, and here received his education.  In January, 1866, he accepted a position with the California Insurance Company.  At that time the company was engaged in marine underwriting only, and although their staff was small the volume of business was the largest on the coast.  In 1868, while still with this company, President Johnson appointed him a midshipman in the United States navy.  He was ordered to Annapolis for instruction, and after the usual course of four years graduated fifth in his class.  Being ordered to duty on foreign squadrons, he served in that capacity until the death of his father.  He then returned to his old home in St. Louis, and soon afterward resigned his commission and engaged in business.

     In 1878 he returned to California and again tried the life of a sailor, this time as an officer on board of merchant steamers.  While so engaged he was again offered and accepted a position in the California Insurance Company.  The company was then engaged in both fire and marine insurance, and Mr. James was appointed special agent and adjuster of fire losses, which position he retained until Mr. Dutton, of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, was promoted to the office of secretary, when Mr. James was offered and accepted charge of the marine department of the Fireman's Fund, vacated by him.  In 1885 Mr. James was elected marine secretary of the company.  He became a member of the United States Naval Institute.  He was one of the originators of the association of Marine Underwriters, of which body he was elected president on its inception, and on the first annual election was unanimously elected to the same position.  In 1888 he was elected President of the Union Insurance Company, which position he has since filled with credit to himself and financial success to the company.  He is a member of the firm of Delger & James, general Pacific coast agents for the Fire Association of Philadelphia, and of the Reading Fire Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, he being the San Francisco resident member of the firm.

     Mr. James has interested himself in city real estate, and has built a handsome home, where he resides with his family. His marriage occurred in 1880, to Miss Jennie Amelia Lee, in San Francisco.  She is a native of Buffalo, New York.  Their union has been blessed with four children, all born in this city.


Transcribed 10-10-04   Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 539-540, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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