San Francisco County





ISIDOR JACOBS, president of A. Lusk & Co., commission merchants and packers of hermetically sealed goods, has been connected with this company since 1888. Their paid up capital stock is $300,000, and they are no doubt the most extensive handlers of canned and dried fruits, also raisins in the United States, having representatives in all the principal cities of America, and the Old World. Their shipments for 1890 aggregated 2,000 car-loads, or about one-sixth of the total shipments from the State. The present year, 1891, will give an increase of fully 500 car-loads over last year. The Fresno Canning Company, of Fresno, California, is the largest corporation of the kind in the central part of the State, and Mr. Jacobs is president of this association; also A. Lusk & Co. are the general agents for the company as well as the Martinez Fruit-packing Company, Martinez, California; the Whittier Canning Company, Whittier, California, located twelve miles from Los Angeles; also the Fresno Raisin Producers’ Association, of Fresno, California. The latter is a combination of prominent raisin-producers of Fresno, California, who will pack about 150 car-loads of Fresno raisins. Mr. Jacobs is also president of the Sutter County Orchard Company, located in Sutter county, California. This orchard, formerly known as the Briggs orchard, is one of the largest on the coast, and famous for its production of early fruits. Mr. Jacobs is also president of the California Canned Goods Association, as well as a director of the California Fruit Canners’ Association, a director of the San Francisco World’s Fair Association, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, of the San Francisco Board of Trade, of the State Board of Trade and the Horticultural and Agricultural societies. His offices are located at 308 Market street, San Francisco, corner of Front street.

The subject of this sketch is one of California’s “native sons,” born in San Francisco, August 4, 1860, the second in the family of ten children of William and Bertha (Wisner) Jacobs. The former was a native of Germany, and well known in the city of San Francisco and throughout the coast during his active business life. He died December 17, 1884, at the age of fifty years. The mother of our subject was a native of New Jersey. Mr. Jacobs was reared and educated in his native city. In 1878 he began the battle of life on his own account, being connected with the insurance business, until he entered the firm of A. Lusk & Co., in the year 1880.

He was joined in marriage, July, 1887, with Miss Mira J. Straus, also a native of San Francisco, and they have three children.

In national politics Mr. Jacobs is a Republican; in local matters he is liberal and active. Socially he affiliates with a number of secret and benevolent societies. He has taken most of the degrees in the Masonic fraternity, having passed all the chairs in the blue lodge and the chapter of Royal Arch Masons, is an officer in the Grand Consistory of California, and a director of the Eureka Benevolent Society of San Francisco, also a member of the San Francisco Verein and Concordia Club.

Transcribed by 11-5-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 165-166, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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