San Francisco County







JOHN G. ILS, deceased, was the founder in 1850 of the present firm of John G. Ils & Co., San Francisco. Mr. Ils was born in Bavaria, Germany, in July, 1822, and in his native land was educated and learned his trade. After serving his apprenticeship, as was the custom in Germany, he traveled extensively, visiting the principal cities of Europe, perfecting himself in his business and learning all that could be learned. In 1846 he came to the United States, found employment in Philadelphia and remained there four years. Gold having been discovered in California, the gold fever brought him to this coast. He made the journey via Panama and arrived in San Francisco in January, 1850. This city was then a new town full of business, rush and excitement, and chances for the young mechanic full of energy and industry were abundant. He at once began the establishment of the business which, by his energy, ability and skill, grew into one of the valuable enterprises of San Francisco. He began with a repair shop and kitchen and house furnishing store, located on Washington street, about No. 200, now No. 628, the growth of the city out into the bay having changed the numbers. As his business grew and he began to make money, he established a foundry and commenced the manufacture of stoves. Thus he became the pioneer stove manufacturer of the Pacific coast. During his travels in France he had seen a very useful range for cooking purposes, and he conceived the idea that such a range could be successfully manufactured here. He made many improvements on the original design and at last produced Ils French Cooking Range, so constructed as to be well adapted to the use of soft or hard coal. From the start it proved a perfect success, and is now so well known that scarcely a hotel or restaurant from Alaska to Mexico is found without an Ils French Range. It has also became [sic] a necessity in many private residences. Because of the demand for these ranges and for other reasons, the house abandoned the manufacture stoves to a great extent in the early sixties and turned its attention more exclusively to the manufacture of ranges. To this department of business the company largely owes its success. Mr. Ils suffered with others in some of the great fires that visited this city and also during some of the time of great depression in business, but by judicious management he weathered all storms, profited by his experience, and became a very conservative and practical business man. In 1875 he purchased the property fronting on Kearny street and reaching through to Montgomery avenue, where he built his store and foundry, the former No. 814-816 Kearny street, and the latter fronting on Montgomery avenue, and where the business has since been conducted.

      In 1853 Mr. Ils was happily married, in San Francisco, to Miss M. Hagenmeier, a native of Germany. To them were born in this city ten children, of whom five are now living, namely: Amelia, Lizzie, John G., Lena and Marie. Lizzie is the wife of Charles Wollpert. Mr. Ils built a good residence on Jones street, No. 1310, where he resided with his family up to the time of his death, which occurred in January, 1889.

      His son, John G. Ils, the present proprietor and manager of the business, was born in 1864. He was reared and educated in this city and attended the San Mateo College two years. He was brought up in the business with his father and thoroughly learned its every detail. He now furnishes employment to about forty men, and his goods are shipped to all parts of the Pacific coast, to the Sandwich Islands and many of the Atlantic States.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 465-466, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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