San Francisco County









      Among the younger attorneys of San Francisco who are capably sustaining the traditions and reputation of their illustrious forbears in the profession is Arthur A. Hyman, whose offices are situated at 315 Montgomery street, and who is specializing in insurance law. He is a native of San Francisco, where his birth occurred October 23, 1901, and he is a son of Joseph and Rebecca (Bernard) Hyman.

      Joseph Hyman, the grandfather of Arthur A., was born in New York state and was the first of the family to come to California. He settled in Sacramento in the early ‘60s, and later moved to San Francisco, where he died. He was one of the first to engage in the merchandise business in the Mission district of this city, and was quite successful. Joseph Hyman, his son, and the father of Arthur A., was born in Sacramento, January 6, 1863, and was there reared and educated. He came to San Francisco in the ‘80s, and here successfully engaged in the nursery business. He has now retired to private life. He and his wife are the parents of three sons and two daughters, as follows: Borrie, Rose, Harry, Golda and Arthur A.

      Arthur A Hyman completed the grade and high school courses in San Francisco, and then found himself facing the necessity of earning his way through a higher institution, if he were to realize his youthful ambition to be a lawyer. Accordingly he did farm work, and worked in fishing and lumber camps, in order to accumulate enough funds for continuing his studies. He entered the University of California, and in 1924 received his Bachelor of Arts degree and in 1926 the degree of Jurisprudence. After being admitted to the state bar, he established an office in San Francisco, and has continued with increasing success in the practice of law, thus within a comparatively short time bringing about the materialization of his early hopes and aspirations. As noted, he has specialized in insurance law, but has also conducted much litigation of general character. He is a member of the San Francisco Bar Association.

      On July 3, 1930, Mr. Hyman was united in marriage to Miss Elsie Daberer, a native daughter of San Francisco, whose parents are Max and Hermine (Kahn) Daberer, the former having been born in Austria and the latter in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman reside at 800 Duboce street.

      During the World war period of 1917-18, Mr. Hyman engaged himself as a speaker on war measures, and in other ways lent his assistance to the cause through civic channels. In politics he is a republican. His diversions in life have been found in hunting, fishing, tennis, and boxing. Mr. Hyman has won creditable prestige through his practice in San Francisco. His services have been universally satisfactory to the many clients who have entrusted their affairs to him, and among his contemporaries he is regarded with respect on account of his ethical methods in the practice of law.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 398-399.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County