San Francisco County



A. C. Hussey was born in the State of Maine in 1832.  His ancestors were early settlers of New England, and his father was a farmer by occupation.  Mr. Hussey attended school and served an apprenticeship to the trade of ship-carpenter and joiner, and after reaching manhood determined to try his fortune on the Pacific coast.  Accordingly, in 1855, he set sail on the Northern Light for Nicaragua, and thence on the Sierra Nevada continued his voyage to this city.  After a few months' stay in San Francisco, he sought the mines and remained there some time; went up on one of the first ships to the Fraser river mines.  In 1859 he returned to San Francisco and engaged in contracting and building, and for over thirty years has been prominently identified with the building interests here.

     From early boyhood Mr. Hussey has depended on his own exertions.  When only ten years old he left home and learned his trade, and before he was twenty had earned and saved $500.  He has taken some heavy contracts, and has had an extensive experience in building here;  enjoys an enviable reputation for fine work, and during his long business career in this city has won many friends.


Transcribed 2-12-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 43-44, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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