San Francisco County








DENIS D. HUNT, A druggist of San Francisco, who has achieved the highest success, was born in Utica, New York, in 1843, and is a son of Dr. Harvey Hunt, who was also a native of the Empire State. The father immigrated to California in 1850 and practiced his profession in Nevada City until 1860, when he came to San Francisco. After a few years his health failed and he returned to the East, where he died in 1869. His wife, whose maiden name was Catharine Clapsaddle, was a native of New York, and belonged to one of the oldest Families of that State. Denis D. is the second of a family of five children, three of whom still survive. He was educated in the common schools of Utica, and at the age of sixteen years he came to California with his parents. He assisted his father in their drug store in Nevada City until he became of age, when he embarked in the same business on his own account. In 1863 he was united in marriage to Miss Helen Gage, a native of New York City. They had three children born to them. In 1880 Mrs. Hunt died, and in 1882 Mr. Hunt was married to Miss. Margarita Bevell, of San Francisco; two children have been born to this union.

      It was in 1879 that Mr. Hunt established his business on Fifth Street near Folsom. He is now (1891) about to remove to more commodious quarters, which his large patronage demands, at the northeast corner of fifth and Folsom streets; here he will have every facility for supplying the wants of his customers, and we bespeak for him a continuance of the prosperity which has attended his every undertaking.

      He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the American order of Foresters; he has recently represented the latter lodge at the Grand Lodge held in the east. In Politics he is an ardent Republican, and in 1890 he was elected a City Supervisor from his ward, a position he still fills. He is Chairman of the Building Committee, is a member of the Hospital, Police, and the Water Committee, and is doing all in his power to render valuable service to the city. He is a man of the highest business qualifications, and a zealous supporter of all home industries.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 520, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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