San Francisco County




JOHN T. HUMPHREYS, an attorney practicing in San Francisco county, is a native of the Old Dominion, born in 1830. His parents were also natives of Virginia. He received his education in his native State, at the Charlestown Academy and from private tutors, and commenced reading law before reaching his majority. When the gold discoveries in California began to attract the attention of the civilized world, he reached here, in 1849. The following year he returned to his native State and completed his law studies, and received license to practice law in May, 1851. He went to Arkansas in that year, engaged in the practice of law at Van Buren, afterward at Fort Smith, and was prominently identified with the bar of that State for a quarter of a century, and no man in the southwest country was better known that Colonel Humphreys. He took an active part in the military service during the war, served as an officer of artillery under General McCullough in western Missouri, and under Generals Van Dorn, Bragg and E. Kirby Smith. He came to California in 1875, and since then has successfully practiced his profession in San Francisco. In 1886 he was appointed Assistant City and County Attorney, and until the present year held this office; and during this time has conducted some of the most important litigations in the municipal history of the city. He has performed the arduous duties of this responsible position with marked ability and for the best interests of the city. Colonel Humphreys is in his political faith a Democrat, and active in the councils of the party. 

Transcribed 1-28-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 290, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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San Francisco County


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