San Francisco County












Walter Leroy Huber, civil engineer, was born in San Francisco California, on January 4, 1883; son of M.F. and Celia (Dill) Huber. He received the degree of B.S. in
Civil Engineering from the University of California in 1905.

            Mr. Huber was assistant engineer with J. D. Galloway, San Francisco, 1905-06; chief structural designer with Howard & Galloway, 1906-08; chief engineer for supervising architect, University of California, 1908-10; district engineer for United States Forest Service, in California and Nevada, 1910-13; in private practice since 1913 and in partnership with Edward M. Knapik since 1941. Mr. Huber has engaged in hydroelectric, hydraulic and structural work and valuations throughout the Western United States; consultant on Hogan, Big Tujunga, Morris, and many other dams; consulting engineer for State Department of Public Works, California, on many projects, including San Gabriel Dam No. One, and Central Valley Project; consulting engineer for California Debris Commission on arch dams; member of Board of Consulting Engineers of United States War Department on flood control projects on Los Angeles, San Gabriel and Santa Ana Rivers, including Prado, Sepulveda, Brae, Fullerton and Santa Fe dams. He was structural engineer on the 4-story underground garage occupying all of Union Square, San Francisco; special consultant on the earthquake resistant design of many large structures; member of Advisory Committee to Bureau of Building Inspection, San Francisco, 1930-37; regional engineering advisor to Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1932-33; special consultant to United States War Department on structures, water supplies, etc.; engineer for Hammond General Hospital, DeWitt General Hospital and other military works; 1942-43; engineer for shop buildings, Hunters Point, Dry Docks, United States Navy, 1944.

            Member of California Forest Study Committee, California State Chamber of Commerce, 1926-38, and Governor’s Advisory Engineering Committee on California State Water Resources Development, 1932; regional water consultant for National Resources Planning Board, 1934-43.

            He holds membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers (director, 1922-24; vice president, 1926-27; president, 1952-53); American Concrete Institute; Seismological Society; Society of California Pioneers; California Historical Society; Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, and Chi Epsilon; Sierra Club (director 1915-48; vice president, 1922-24; president, 1925-26; honorary vice president, 1948 to date); Commonwealth, Engineers, and American Alpine Clubs. Mr. Huber is the author of papers on mountaineering, building and dam construction, earthquake effects on structures, etc.

            On November 11, 1941, Mr. Huber married Alberta Mann Reed. Their home is at 19 Presidio Terrace, San Francisco, California.

            Offices:  1 Montgomery Street, San Francisco 4, California.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 333, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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