San Francisco County









      John Gilson Howell, publisher, bookseller, importer.

      Born, Healdsburg, California, June 13th, 1874.

      Son of John Gilson and Annie (Belshaw) Howell.

      Bachelor of Science, University of California, 1896.

      Married Rebecca Ruskin Richardson of Wellington, New Zealand, April 24th, 1905.

      Children; John Gilson, Jr., Warren Richardson, Ruskin Richardson, William Robert Richardson.

      January, 1895, founded the daily newspaper of the University of California under the name of The Berkeleyan, which later became the Daily Californian, and is now the largest college daily in the United States.

      Associated with the business department of the San Francisco Morning Call, 1898-1903.

      Vice-President and manager of Paul Elder Company, San Francisco, 1903-1912.

      President and manager of John Howell, Inc., San Francisco, 1912-

      Reader First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley, 1912-1914.

      Received highest award (Medal of Honor) for best display of books at the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915.

      Member: International Society of Antiquarian Bookseller Associations of London, Bibliographical Society of London, American Booksellers Association, Board of Trade, Western Division, Booksellers of San Francisco, (president two terms), member of Board of Trade, California Historical Society, Hawaiian Historical Society.

      Mason, (14th degree).

      Author’s Lodge, London.


      Home: 181 Vicente Road, Berkeley, California.

      Office: 434 Post Street, San Francisco, California.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 414-415.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County