Capt. Horace Zerah Howard, president of the Board of Pilot Commissioners at San Francisco, is a veteran mariner, and has been sailing a ship on the Pacific Ocean and prominently identified with maritime affairs on the Pacific Coast for more than half a century. 

Captain Howard was born April 1, 1835, at New London, Connecticut. His great grandfather, Daniel Howard, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, of English descent. His mother, Adeline (Tinker) Howard, was of English descent. He acquired a public school education there, and as a youth took to the sea and served as an ensign in the United States Navy from 1864 to 1867, being under the command of Admiral Farragut. In 1867 he came to San Francisco as a junior officer of the Great Republic, one of the three steamships of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company engaged in the trade between San Francisco and China, and for three years he commanded this vessel on its voyages to China, Japan and Alaska, and altogether remained in the service of the Pacific Mail for twelve years. In 1881 he transferred his services to the Oceanic Company and in 1882, for this company, brought out from Philadelphia the Maraposa, which was put on the run between San Francisco and the Hawaiian Islands. In 1884 Captain Howard began commanding a vessel on the bay for the California Sugar Refinery. In 1890 he was made superintendent of the Oceanic Company and in 1898, during the Spanish-American war, was superintendent of all the army transports from San Francisco. On resigning from the Oceanic Company, Captain Howard was appointed pilot commissioner by Governor Pardee, and since 1900 has been president of the Board of Pilot Commissioners. Captain Howard is known to and has known all the prominent men in the shipping industry of the Pacific Coast since the time of the Civil war. Captain Howard is a Royal Arch and Knight Templar Mason, a member of the Loyal Legion of the United States, the Grand Army of the Republic and in politics is a republican. 

On March 17, 1864, he married Miss Emma Leonora Pember, a native of New London, Connecticut. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary over four years before her death on October 25, 1918. Captain Howard became the father of four children: Horace Pember, with the Western Sugar Refining Company, who married Katherine M. Taylor; Emma Grimes, who is a graduate of the San Jose State Normal School, is now principal of the Madison School in San Francisco and is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution; Zerah Yates, buyer for Hawaiian plantations, a resident of San Francisco, who married Florence Carthew, and Miss Mabel Consuelo, a music teacher of San Francisco. 

Louise E. Shoemaker, Transcriber April 7, 2004


Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 155. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Louise E. Shoemaker


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