San Francisco County








HOOPER, CHARLES APPLETON, President of the C. A. Hooper Co., Shipping and Lumber, San Francisco, was born in Bangor, Me., March 14, 1843, the son of John and Martha Stanwood (Perry) Hooper.  His first ancestor to come from England to America was Wm. Hooper, age 18, who arrived in the good ship "James."  Others came later and settled in various parts of New England, chiefly in the country about Redding, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H., where some of their descendants still live.  Members of the family fought in the American Revolutionary War.  John Perry, Jr., Mr. Hooper's maternal grandfather, had the distinction of establishing the first Sunday school in the United States in 1811, in Brunswick, Me., where a memorial window in the church attests the fact and the date thereof; and on the Stanwood side a great-grandfather gave to Bowdoin College some of the ground on which that institution now stands. Charles A. Hooper came to California in 1863, where he is today one of the leading merchants of the state. He was married on June 7th, 1880, in Brownsville, Me., to Miss Ida Geneva Snow, and by this marriage is the father of Isabel Martha (Creed) and Idoline Snow (Crosby)--the former married to Wigginton E. Creed and the latter to Sumner Crosby.

     Mr. Hooper attended the Hawes grammar school in South Boston, and took his certificate therefrom in 1858, when he entered the English High school, but left after one year to enter the employ of his uncle, Wm. S. Perry, lumber merchant.

     Beginning as clerk he rose in the short space of two years through the positions of bookkeeper and salesman to the active superintendency of the yard, and then, at the age of eighteen enlisted in the 43rd Massachusetts Volunteers, a “nine months” regiment, for service in the Civil War.  After serving for one year he was discharged, and came to the State of California in 1863.  His first occupation in this State was in the Plymouth mine in Amador county, where for about a year he assisted his father, who had reached California in 1851 and become interested in mining.  Returning to San Francisco in 1865, he established the firm of C.A. Hooper & Co., at Fourth and Townsend streets, on the ground now occupied by the San Jose depot.  Here for a few years he did a thriving business, buying and selling lumber, supplying not only the city but also the country districts, especially around San Jose and up the rivers tributary to the bay of San Francisco.  He remained in this location until forced out by “Steam” Paddy Hughes, a well-known contractor and character of the times, who had the contract to fill in Mission Bay.

     About the year 1867 Mr. Hooper took in William Lockerman as a partner, the firm becoming Hooper & Lockerman, but at the end of two years bought him out and resumed the title of C.A. Hooper & Co.  When his brother George William Hooper, came of age in 1869, he became a member of the firm which had gradually enlarged its business to a wholesale trade.  In the early eighties the firm began to manufacture lumber, establishing their mills in Humboldt County.

     Mr. C. A. Hooper has organized many lumber companies.  In the early ‘70s he, with others, formed the Sacramento Lumber Co., and became its president.  About 1881 he organized the L.W. Blinn Co. for Arizona business.  He then bought out the Russ Lumber & Milling Co., of San Diego, which he reorganized.  The other companies he successively formed are the So. Cal. Lumber Co., Oregon & California Lumber Co., Redwood Manufacturers Co., and in 1907 the Big Lagoon Lumber Co.  Another noteworthy achievement of Mr. Hooper was the foundation of the now flourishing town of Pittsburg at Los Medanos, Contra Costa County.

     His clubs are the Union League and Pacific Union of San Francisco.




Transcribed by Suzanne Wood.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 506, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Suzanne Wood.



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