William Hood was one of the engineers during the building of the old Central Pacific Railway on the coast, and is one of the few survivors who can speak from personal recollection of railroad pioneering across the continent.

William Hood was born February 4, 1846, and at the end of the Civil war was a soldier in Company A of the Fortieth Massachusetts Infantry. He graduated from the Chandler Scientific Department of Dartmouth College in 1867 and at once joined a field engineering party and in 1868 became assistant engineer for the Central Pacific Railway Company, and from 1875 to 1883 was chief assistant engineer of the Southern Pacific. In June 1883, he was made assistant engineer of the Central Pacific Railway, and on October 10 of the same year, chief engineer, serving in that capacity until 1885. He was chief engineer of the Southern Pacific System until June, 1900, and thereafter was chief engineer of the Southern Pacific Company, serving until his retirement on May 3, 1921. Mr. Hood’s home is at 2524 Filbert Street, San Francisco. He has been married three times, but has no children. 

Louise E. Shoemaker Transcriber February 20, 2004


Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 91-92. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.


© 2004 Louise Shoemaker


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