San Francisco County








HOLBROOK, CHARLES H., JR., Oil operator, San Francisco, California, was born in Chico, California, August 5, 1871, the son of Charles H. Holbrook and Josephine (Bedell) Holbrook.  He married Nellie Vance at San Francisco, California, December 9, 1909.

     Mr. Holbrook, whose father was an extensive lumber operator, received his education in the public schools of San Francisco.  In his boyhood he acquired a knowledge of the lumber business, but upon leaving school went into the real estate business as a clerk for Easton, Eldridge & Co., one of the largest realty firms in California at that time.  At the end of five years he went to Nevada and engaged in the real estate business on his own account, but returned to California in 1904, and went into the oil business at Coalinga.  He has devoted himself to oil production since that time and is now reckoned among the leaders of that field.  He is President of the Dunlop Oil Company, of Midway, California; Director and Secretary of the Mammoth Oil Company; Director and Secretary of the Zier Oil Company, of Coalinga, and President of the St. Albans Oil Company, of Kern River.

     Mr. Holbrook is a prominent Mason and a member of the Union League and Olympia Clubs of San Francisco.




Transcribed by Suzanne Wood.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page  871, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Suzanne Wood.




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