San Francisco County








      HOEFLER, LUDWIG MATHIAS, Attorney, San Francisco, was born at Adrian, Lenawee County, Mich., Aug. 18, 1858, the son of John Phillip Hoefler and Mary Elizabeth (Hoffman) Hoefler.  In December,1889, Mr. Hoefler was married in San Francisco to Miss Emma M. Altemus, and their only child, Edith, now Mrs. Charles Albert Vance, was born on December 9, 1890.

      Until 1873, Mr. Hoefler lived at Adrian, Michigan.  Moving to California in 1878, he took the regular three years’ course at the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, and was graduated LL. B. in 1882.

      His professional career began in the office of the well-known legal firm of Garber, Thornton & Bishop, where while serving his novitiate as a young practitioner he acted as managing clerk.  He retained this position through various changes in the personnel of the firm, which was successively known as Garber, Boalt & Bishop, Garber & Bishop, and Bishop& Wheeler, until he became a partner, the new firm being known as Bishop, Wheeler & Hoefler.  In 1904 this firm was changed to Bishop & Hoefler; and two years later, upon the death of the late Thomas Benton Bishop, with whom Mr. Hoefler had been associated for over twenty-five years, the present firm of Bishop, Hoefler, Cook & Harwood was formed.

      During the period Mr. Hoefler has been prominently connected with many of the great legal contests which engaged the courts and popular interest.  Among these may be mentioned the Blythe Estate contest, the Ryer Estate contest, the Piper Estate contest, the Miller & Lux litigation, the Fair Estate, the Sutro Estate, the Yoell Will contest, the Robert P. Hastings Estate, the Moxey Estate, and many other famous controversies.  Mr. Hoefler’s  professional practice is concerned largely with corporation interests.  He is counsel for the San Francisco Breweries Ltd., United Milk Company, City Street Improvement Company, Fresno Irrigated Farms Company, Brunswick-Balke-Collender  Company and other large concerns.  He has taken an active interest in the Olympic Athletic Club, of which he has served as Vice President for three consecutive terms, and is also a member of the Bohemian Club and of the Union League Club.




Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 896, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Joyce and David Rugeroni.


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