San Francisco County






W. D. HOBRO, one of the most self-reliant and successful business men of San Francisco, is an adopted citizen of this country, his birth-place having been Worcester, England. There he was reared and trained in the business he has conducted with so much energy and intelligence since coming to America. When he attained his majority he bade farewell to the scenes of his childhood, and sailed over the sea to the New World, where he hoped to find better opportunities of making a place for himself in the business circles of the country. This was in 1868, and immediately after his arrival in New York city he came to this city. He was in the employ of Edward Dana, on Kearny street, for a short time, and then opened an establishment on Washington street which he conducted in his own name. For more than twenty years he has been actively engaged in plumbing and gas-fitting. During this period there have been great improvements in the methods and principles of sanitary plumbing, and more intelligent attention is given to this than to any other department of residence improvement. Mr. Hobro occupies two stores, and employs from twenty to twenty-five men. He has built up a large and reliable patronage, and had taken a leading place in this important industry.

      He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the I. O. O. F., the Knights of Honor, and of the Master Plumbers’ Association. His high achievements in a commercial way have been entirely due to his own persevering efforts, and he is reaping the reward of many years of faithful and conscientious labor.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 542-543, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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