San Francisco County







S. M. HILLS, one of the leading contractors and builders in San Francisco, is a native of Maine, born in January, 1832. For many generations his ancestors were residents of New England. He attended school and served an apprenticeship to the carpenter’s trade in his native State, and after reaching manhood went South. He had charge of erecting the Judson Hotel at Jacksonville, Florida. In 1857 he went to Minnesota, and two years later, in 1859, came to California, making the journey via the Isthmus of Panama. Upon his arrival in this city, he engaged in contacting and building, at first having a shop about the size of his present office. He had the first contract on the Palace Hotel, and was engaged on its construction until it was completed; was acting superintendent under Mr. H. L. King. For a long time Mr. Hills has had charge of building improvements for the Sharon estate, and also for the Crocker estate. He built for the late Charles Crocker the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Golden Gate block, the Park Conservatory, and numerous other structures.

      Mr. Hills gives employment to about seventy-five men, his pay-roll amounting to $1,000 weekly. He enjoys an enviable reputation as one of San Francisco’s responsible business men.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 460, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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