San Francisco County








   ALEXANDER HEYNEMANN, attorney, San Francisco, is a native of Australia, born in 1859.  His parents, who are living, came to California in 1861, where the father engaged in mercantile business and for many years was prominently identified with the commercial interest of the city and the coast.  Alexander received both a European and American education.  He studied law with Tully R. Wise and at Hastings’ College of Law, was admitted to the bar in 1879, with one exception the youngest ever admitted here, and one of the youngest members admitted to practice in United States Supreme Courts, --being admitted on motion of the eminent Hon. George Ticknor Curtis.  Mr. Heynemann has a successful commercial clientage.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 295-296, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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