San Francisco County






HENRY HEYMAN, violinist and musical director, and one of the most popular members of the musical profession in San Francisco, is a native of the city of Oakland, California. At quite an early age his great musical talent began to develop itself, and after having completed his literary course at the educational institution now known as University of California, he left for Europe and entered the Royal Conservatory of Music at Leipzig, where he became a favorite pupil of the celebrated Ferdinand David. He also studied under E. F. Richter, E. Rontgen , S. Jadassohn and other celebrated masters; received the Mendelssohn prize and distinguished himself generally. After graduating, with the highest honors, he accepted and most creditably filled the position as quartet leader and solo violinist to the Dutchess of Bernburg. Returning to San Francisco he at once became a prominent musical factor. He was one of the principal founders of the old Philharmonic Society. And with Gustav Hinrichs gave during a number of years the most successful orchestral concerts ever known in San Francisco. He also organized the Henry Heyman String Quartet, and his chamber music recitals constantly attract great attention. The success of any entertainment under Henry Heyman` s direction is proverbial. As a teacher of the violin to which he devotes great attention, he is especially gifted. He has already produced quite a number of fine artists, and his reputation as a noted instructor is constantly increasing.

      Aside from his musical abilities he is a public-spirited citizen as well, and has won for himself an enviable reputation by his connection with social and charitable institutions. He is also a member of prominent clubs and societies, and has been for years one of the directors of the San Francisco Art Association and School of Design. In 1888, upon the celebration of the 800th  anniversary of the University of Bologna, he had the honor of being appointed a corresponding member of the International Exposition of music. He enjoys the friendship of many European celebrities and numerous distinguished honors have been conferred upon him. The late King Kalakana created him a Knight of the Royal Order of the Star of Oceania, which is the oldest decoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom, a rare and unusual compliment, and also conferred on him the title of Royal Hawaiian Solo Violinist. He has given successful concerts all over the Pacific coast and at Honolulu, Sir Henry Heyman, as he is now addressed, uses his great ability in the most generous way. He has endeared himself to the public and his friends not only by his courteous and refined manners, his constant readiness to help his colleagues, but also by zealous work in the cause of music and sweet charity, which gives him the very highest standing.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 511, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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