San Francisco County




Charles Hess


   Charles Hess, deceased, was born in Cassel, Germany, in 1821, and was educated and learned his trade in that country.  In 1855 he came to California in a sailing vessel, and soon after his arrival in San Francisco he started the optical business on Kearney street, near California.  In 1866 he removed the business to its present location, 519 Kearney street, and it is now one of the oldest and most reliable houses in its line in San Francisco.  Mr. Hess was married in Germany, and they had five children, viz.: William E.; Edward, who died aged nine years; Charles, Jr., Otto and Frank: those living are business men of this city.  After an honorable and successful business career of thirty-four years in San Francisco, Mr. Hess died, April 22, 1890.  He had gone to the mountains for an outing, and it is believed that over-exertion brought on apoplexy, which caused his death.  He had attained the age of seventy years, had led an upright life, and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends.

   His sons, Charles, Jr., and William E., are continuing the business, and are men of ability and of the highest respectability.  With their mother they reside in a home built by their father.  Their store is filled with alL kinds of optical goods and other scientific instruments, and they manufacture, test and fit the eyes with the latest improved methods.  Messrs. William E. and Charles Hess, Jr., are native sons of San Francisco, and are interested in all that tends to build up and develop the country, are members of several social societies,--Corinthian Yacht Club and Olympic Athletic Club.



Transcribed by David and Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 199, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David and Joyce Rugeroni.




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