San Francisco County





F. W. HESEMEYER, druggist, Golden Gate, was born at Oldenburg, Germany, July 15, 1855; was reared and studied medicine in his native country, and later graduated in pharmacy. His parents were Frederick W. And Helen K. (Renken) Hesemeyer, both natives of Germany, They had three children, of whom our subject is the second. The father died in 1869 and the mother in 1872.

Mr. Hesemeyer our present subject, remained in New York some six years; then went to Chicago, where he resided four years, when he came to California. On his arrival here en engaged as prescription clerk to the firm of Leipnitz & Co., of San Francisco, and in 1890 he purchased the drug business of Dr. Collins on the corner of San Pablo and Klinkner avenues, where he carries a large stock of drugs, toilet articles, perfumery, etc., making prescriptions a specialty. Although comparatively a stranger in the community, he has already established for himself a reputation as a skilled prescription druggist and a social gentleman.

He was married in Chicago, October 11, 1884, to Miss Louisa von Muenster, a native of Germany, and they have three children, namely: Curt F. W., Otto U., and Olga L.

On American questions Mr. Hesemeyer is a consistent Republican. In fraternal relations he affiliates with the Knights of Pythias, Rising Star Lodge, No. 152, and the Chosen Friends, Harbor View Council, No. 188.

Transcribed by 10-23-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 162-163, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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