San Francisco County







RUDOLPH HEROLD, Jr.--The Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Company was organized in Hamburg, Germany, in the year 1874, and was established on the Pacific coast in 1857, the agency being located in San Francisco. The company was first represented by Morris Speyer & Co., and was afterwards transferred to Philip Speyer & Co., successors of Morris Speyer & Co. In 1883 the general agency of the company was placed with Speyer & Harold, Morris Speyer being the senior member of the firm, Rudolph Harold, Jr., being the junior member. He had been the manager of the fire insurance branch of the firm of Philip Speyer & Co. for a number of years. In the fall of 1889 Morris Speyer died, and the general agency of the Pacific Coast department was given to Rudolph Harold, Jr., under whose efficient management it still continues. His connection with the Hamburg-Bremen dates back to 1872. This company is doing a general business throughout the Coast, and has a wide distribution of local agents.

      The Niagara Insurance Company of New York is also represented in San Francisco by the same agency as the Hamburg-Bremen. It was organized in the State of New York in 1850, and belongs to the list of old, reliable New York Companies. It is also an old time company on the coast, having been represented here for about twenty-five years. The agency has been with Jonathan Hunt, Balfour Guthrie, Smith & Moody and others. In 1855 the general agency for this department was placed with Messrs. Speyer & Harold, the general agents for the Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Company, and the business has since been satisfactorily conducted in their office.

      Rudolph Harold, Jr., was born in the city of San Francisco, July 19, 1855, and is a son of Rudolph Harold, the Pioneer musician of the city, who will be remembered by all of the earliest settlers. Our subject was educated in the public Schools of this city. And

entered the office of Philip Speyer & Co. at the beginning of his business career. He was employed as a clerk, and since that time (1872) he has been continually identified with the fire insurance business of the coast. His long experience has given him a through acquaintance with fire underwriting in all its branches and details, and he is well prepared to act as the chief representative of the companies under his control. Henry C. Boyd, of Portland Oregon is the special agent and adjuster connected with Mr. Harold in the general agency. He was appointed local agent of the Hamburg-Bremen at Portland, in 1878, and has continued with the company since that time. 



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 592-593, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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